Alexander Trans wystąpi na ACB Jiu Jitsu 5 w Warszawie

Organizacja ACB zorganizuje galę Jiu Jitsu w Warszawie już 6 maja! Będzie to World Grand Prix w kategoriach -95kg i +95kg. Ze względu na to, że ostatnio z organizacją kontrakty podpisało wielu czołowych zawodników, możemy się spodziewać w Polsce najmocniejszych nazwisk na świecie z kategorii ciężkich! Pierwszym, który ogłosił swój występ w Warszawie jest Alexander Trans, który zapowiedział swój udział za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych:

This weekend I competed in the Pan-American Championship in USA, in the Absolute I won 2 fights but ended up losing in the Quarter-Final, I was winning 2-0 up until the moment where the referee decided to give me 3 negative points one after the other, the last one while I was trying to open my opponent's Closed Guard, and I ended up losing. In my division I fought against a very heavy athlete weighing over 150 kg, and I ended up getting hurt while trying to take the back. I won the fight but chose not to fight the Semi-Final, to not risk to worsen the injury. A big disappointment, but the focus is already on the next challenge, which will be the @acb_jj Grand Prix in Poland on May 6th! ••••• Neste final de semana eu disputei o Panamericano no EUA. No absoluto eu ganhei as duas primeiras lutas mas parei nas quartas onde eu estava ganhando a luta 2-0, até o momento em que o árbitro resolveu me dar 3 punições seguidas, a última enquanto eu estava tentando abrir a guarda fechada do meu adversário, e eu acabei perdendo. Na categoria eu lutei contra um atleta muito pesado de mais de 150 kg e eu acabei me lesionando tentando pegar as costas, eu ganhei a luta mas optei por não lutar a semi pra não arriscar agravar a lesão. Uma grande decepção, mas o foco já está no próximo objetivo, que é o GP do @acb_jj na Polônia dia 6 de maio! @tatamifightwear

Post udostępniony przez Alexander Trans (@alexandertrans)


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